Having a budget is the most important part of saving money. Knowing how much you are spending and what your are spending your money on is a key part of building your wealth and financial freedom.
Budgeting is more than just reducing spending but should be used to manage your money to achieve the goals that are important to you. Saving money to invest in income streams always makes sense to me. Income streams are a key component to your financial freedom.
I recently came across an application called Good Budget which I believe would be of assistance to anyone who wants to use a budget. The Good Budget application can be loaded on to your phone or tablet. The convenience of having your budget at your finger tips should not be under estimated, there is no need to keep a paper record.
There are 2 versions of the Good Budget application, the BASIC which is free and PLUS which $45 a year. The main difference is the number of expenditure categories and history maintained. Which one you go for is up to you, by having a budgeting system you will save far more than $45 per year.
Check out this review of Good Budget from Matthew R Stover.
Flipping houses is an example of where budgeting is essential to making a profit. Not only will you have an overall budget but an individual budgets for each section of the house together with a schedule of works to be completed. Good Budget is only a start which will provide you with discipline and basic tools to tackle far more complex budgets.
Check out what you can save using Amazon to purchase some of items you are thinking of buying.
Remember any savings can be directed towards building income streams which will help you set aside some money to enjoy those Summadays.